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MY MODARE MOMENT | 30.09.2022

Pink October: the importance of breast cancer prevention

A campaign with international reach that aims to warn about early diagnosis.


The month of October is dedicated to the fight against and prevention of breast cancer. Named globally as Pink October, it aims to make women aware of the importance of prevention and to draw attention to the relevance of early diagnosis and adequate treatment for the disease.

Breast cancer is the second most frequent type of cancer in the world. According to the National Cancer Institute (Inca), the disease has a higher incidence in the female population worldwide and in Brazil. In Brazil, the mortality rates for this type of cancer remain high, especially because it is still diagnosed in advanced stages, therefore, breast self-examination (which should be monthly) and mammography are essential.

What is breast cancer?

Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that attacks the breast tissue and is one of the most common types. Although it is predominant in women, it also affects men. However, it is estimated that they represent 1% of the cases.

Its manifestation occurs through an inordinate multiplication of breast cells. As a result, abnormal cells form and evolve into a tumor.

Because it has multiple causes, preventive exams are absolutely essential. However, age is considered one of the risk factors: about four out of five cases occur in women over 50.


Even if some of the symptoms, when seen alone, do not necessarily mean the development of breast cancer, it is of utmost importance that the patient, when noticing any of them, looks for a physician to perform laboratory tests and make sure there is nothing wrong.

The most common symptoms classified by INCA are:

- Nodule (lump), fixed and usually painless: it is the main manifestation of the disease, being present in about 90% of cases when the cancer is noticed by the woman herself;

- Reddish, retracted, or orange peel-like breast skin;

- Alteration in the nipple;

- Small lumps in the armpits or neck;

- Spontaneous outpouring of abnormal fluid from the nipples.


Self-examination is the first step to identifying possible lumps in the breasts. Just gently press them and try to identify whether or not there are lumps. As this is the most common form of the disease, there is a good chance that it can be diagnosed at an early stage.

Imaging tests, such as mammography, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging, can also identify cancer. The main advantage of mammography is that when a tumor is diagnosed in its early stages, the disease has up to a 95% chance of being cured. In addition, the treatment is less aggressive and has a shorter duration.

Self-examination: when and how to do it?

It must be done every month, between the 3rd and 5th day after the period, which is when the breasts are more flaccid and painless, or on a fixed date for women who no longer have their period.

If you have any doubts about how to perform the self-exam, we have separated this video here.  Simple and effective to help you.

Seek the cure, always!

Modare Ultraconforto, always engaged in issues involving well-being and especially health, also suggests reading this news article, which presents very interesting information about the myths and truths of breast cancer. Content prepared by the A.C. Camargo Cancer Center, a hospital institution, and a national reference on the subject.


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