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MY MODARE MOMENT | 06.07.2022

Enjoy todays best company: you!

Being with friends is wonderful, but enjoying moments alone is freedom.

It is possible to be happy alone yes! As much as it is great to share occasions very well accompanied, whether with friends or with family, it is essential to find out that you can have fun and enjoy your own company, feeling well, safe and satisfied.

Being alone on some days will allow you to make incredible discoveries that may surprise you. You pause and give yourself a more thoughtful look to evaluate your needs, how life is going, and your inner world. There are countless benefits like eventually enjoying the experience so much that you make it a weekly commitment.

And there are other reasons that Modare Ultraconforto shares with you:

Self-knowledge: investing some time for yourself is fundamental in the midst of the daily rush. Sometimes we may hear things about ourselves that may not be true, but that, nevertheless, hurt us and injure us. Self-knowledge allows this kind of situation not to shake us because we know exactly who we are, and this changes everything! Being alone is a chance to know what we have to improve and, mainly, to know our qualities, understand our flaws, and valorize our priorities and dreams. When we understand ourselves on a deeper level, what others think is no longer our problem, nor does it affect us.


Making your own choices: Living this experience will allow you to make decisions according to what you need now, without drama. How? You can go to the cinema to watch a movie of your favorite genre, read a book, binge-watch a series, or just stand under the covers on a cold day. Without depending on someone else's time, as you determine when it starts and ends. Remember that we fully enjoy being with others when we start to be enough and love ourselves, without fear. It's a challenge, but the small victories of going through this process are powerful.


Learning: Do you remember when was the last time you did something for yourself? That you praised yourself, loved yourself, laughed, or cried? Be aware that you must put yourself up and not be so hard on yourself! Translate what happens around you, because then you will realize that being alone, in the present, is one of the most empowering attitudes you can have for yourself. And that is the real learning. In this way, you will start to instruct yourself more, put yourself more into consideration, and be authentic. The result? You will be ready to live life to the fullest!


Self-care: once alone, take the time to practice self-care. We are always worried about our son, husband, brother, father, mother, or friend, and we often forget to take care of ourselves. So, when you are in that particular moment, make a habit of focusing on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual areas.


Read Also: Start your self-care routine with small habits.

Another way to take care of yourself is to stay comfortable, do you agree? In this, Modare Ultraconforto can help you! Count on the flip-flops with Reflex Sense insole (small spheres that massage and activate blood circulation). For walks, the sports sneaker with the malleability of knit (mesh that adapts to the anatomy of the feet) and the sandal with the ultrasoft insole, which ensures a softer and smoother fitting.

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