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5 Love Languages for Your Comfy Fashion

With Modare Ultraconforto, you expand this love into every look of the day.


You can ask your best friend: talking about love languages and taking online tests has been part of the current behavior that boosts self-knowledge. According to author Gary Chapman, there are five of them: giving gifts, offering words of affirmation, sharing quality time, acts of service, and physical touch. Small gestures that are powerful as they can decrease resentment, guilt, anger, and lack of confidence. And when directed toward ourselves, they contribute to self-esteem and self-confidence.

And these expressions have everything to do with comfy fashion. After all, when you know yourself and what your predominant love language is, you are allowed to invest in a more affectionate and cozy style. Want to see it?


  1. Physical touch: the sensory experience is the highlight of Modare Ultraconforto collections, because they activate the senses positively, like the simple contact of shoes on the skin. And an example of this love language is giving yourself a hug. That's right! Hugging yourself increases feelings of happiness and accomplishment, reinforcing that you care about yourself and your path. Now, imagine the enhanced effect when wearing pieces that have all your affection, huh?


  1. Words of affirmation: compliments from others are inspiring, but you can also compliment yourself daily and with kindness. This love language is about encouragement, and many women love to collect motivational phrases on Pinterest to wallpaper on their phones #getthistip. In fact, stick reminders near the mirror. In fashion, this expression comes in the confidence and approval you give to your look. Besides agreeing that you are a success, accepting your style is acting like a protagonist.


  1. Quality time: go somewhere nice, call your friends for dinner, or live a romance, how about it? Every moment is unique, so consider opening up and being vulnerable by sharing tastes and thoughts through pleasant conversations in the company of those you trust. This language of love is synonymous with feeling comfortable and confident, ideas that fit into comfy fashion from choices that value your well-being and your balance.


  1. Acts of service: this is one of Modare Ultraconforto's favorite languages because it is a self-encouragement to have a hobby, organize family events, help children or co-workers, volunteer, start a sustainable closet, and donate what no longer fits you (especially now with the arrival of the cold weather in certain regions of Brazil).


  1. Giving gifts: happy endings can be found every day, and a gift will break any bad mood immediately! This love language is about meaning, like adopting an affordable fashion that encourages a conscious style. Because it is self-validation, it is relevant to remember that the treats are applause for the amazing woman you are! Let's do it?


To strengthen this love language, Modare Ultraconforto has prepared beautiful stones applied to sandals, ballet flats, and shoulder bags for you to give yourself as a gift. Displaying the chromatic palette of neutral tones, these elements enhance the productions, expressing delicacy and femininity, with the transparent and metallic finish that makes up the new chain ornaments. These products have special comfort features from the brand, such as the Reflex Sense insole, Ultracomfy insole (6.5 mm thick), puffer straps, and a grippy sole.

Be sure that you deserve these expressions of love because it is fundamental to fulfill (always first) your own affective needs in order to better help others! 


The best insights into wellness, sustainable fashion, beauty and self-care so that women feel inspired to wear what makes them comfortable on a daily basis and that is in tune with the latest trends.


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